Clarity Engineering Give Talk to Engineering and Motor Vehicle Students

Over seventy Engineering and Motor Vehicle students attended a talk this week from Clarity Engineering at our Bromley Campus.

Taking place in the Lecture Theatre, Joshua Holland and Regan Alexis, representatives from Clarity Engineering, spoke to learners about the opportunities and pathways available to them once they have completed their courses. Giving real-world insights into the engineering industry and the services an organisation like Clarity Engineering provides for consumers, they provided valuable advice and guidance for our students about the possible next steps each of them could take in their careers.

After the talk, students were given the opportunity to ask questions around applying for work, work experience, volunteering, and apprenticeships, as well as the career progression they can expect in the engineering industry after leaving London South East Colleges.

Student Sapphire Houston-Ball reflected on the talk, saying: "I learnt that having perseverance and a hunger to do something can help you reach your dreams."

This was a useful and beneficial event for our learners; we look forward to more events like these in the future where learners can hear from different industry professionals about their respective sectors and their career histories.