How we support you

Discover all you need to know about student life at London South East Colleges. We want to ensure you get the best out of your time with us through our support services, available whenever you need them.

Career Advisor looking at screen

Don't let the potential cost of education put you off studying. We are committed to supporting students in overcoming any financial barriers to learning.

Listed below are the types of support that may be available to help you with course-related costs, such as kit, equipment, books, and travel.

Students who are aged 16-18

The Vulnerable Bursary and College Bursary are available to eligible students aged between 16 and 18 on 31 August of the year they enrol. They are designed to help you if you are in financial difficulty and need help with the costs associated with studying at College.

The Vulnerable Bursary - Who can apply?
This Bursary is available to students who are:

  • In care
  • Leaving care - The EFA defines Leaving care as a young person aged 16 or 17 who was looked after previously for a period of 13 weeks beginning after the age of 14 and ending after the age of 16.
  • In receipt of income support in their own name
  • In receipt of both Employment and Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance or PIP (in their own name)
  • In receipt of Universal Credit

The College Bursary - Who can apply?
This Bursary is available to students whose parent/guardian/carer is in receipt of one of the following means tested benefit:

  • Income Support
  • Jobseeker’s Allowance (Income-based)
  • Employment and Support Allowance (Income-related)
  • The Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
  • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Universal Credit
  • Child Tax Credit Award 

How do I apply for a Vulnerable Bursary or a College Bursary?
Application forms are available from the Student Hub.

Students who are 19+ at enrolment

Learner Support Fund - Who can apply?
Any Adult aged 19+ on the 31 August the year they enrol at College who is:

  • on a full-time or part-time course (Not full cost courses)
  • Receive a means-tested benefit or have a household income of below £27,000

How do I apply for Learner Support?
Application forms are available from the Student Hub

Advanced Learner Loans 
The Student Loan Company offers loans to students aged 19 and over who are studying at level 3 or level 4. Visit for more information.

Help with childcare costs

The College may be able to support students with childcare costs for 3 children (up to and including the age of 10) when using one of the following Childcare Providers:

  • An Ofsted-registered Nursery/Daycare
  • An Ofsted-registered Childminder
  • An Ofsted-registered Breakfast and/or After School Club

The College pays up to £70 per day for each child being funded (only for the days that you are timetabled to study). The money is paid directly to the Childcare Provider by BACS transfer. The college will not pay in excess of this £70 limit, and students are expected to pay any difference themselves directly to their Childcare Provider. For school-aged children, breakfast and after-school clubs should be the first choice. There will be a maximum payment limit for school-aged children.

Who is eligible for funding from the College?
To be eligible for help with childcare costs, students must:

  • Be aged 20 years or over on the 31 August, the year you enrol at College, or aged 16 to 19 supported by the Care to Learn Scheme
  • Have Settled Status and have lived in the UK/EU for three years or more
  • Be studying on a government-funded further education course, either full or part-time
  • Receive one of the following means-tested benefits:
    • Jobseeker’s Allowance (income-related)
    • Employment and Support Allowance (income-related)
    • Income Support
    • Council Tax Benefit
    • Housing Benefit
    • Universal Credit
    • Child Tax Credit/Working Tax Credit

Funding for childcare is limited and meeting the criteria does not guarantee payment of childcare costs.

Childcare Payments
If approved, you will be guaranteed childcare payments for the academic year, subject to achieving and maintaining an excellent attendance record; this rule is strictly enforced by the College. The College is unable to pay up-front deposits or retainers to childcare providers and does not pay for childcare costs during College half terms and holidays. Also, no money can be paid directly into a student’s bank account for childcare costs.

How do I apply for Childcare Payments?
Application forms are available from the Student Hub

Application forms are available from the Student Hub, but no guarantee can be given that funds will be available when you apply. If there is a high demand for the funds, awards may be given at a reduced rate. Late applications will be processed from the start of the half term in which the application is received. Any student or childcare provider found to make a fraudulent claim will be refused further support for childcare costs.

All applications for financial support are treated as confidential. Any assistance granted is subject to the student maintaining good behaviour, punctuality, and excellent attendance.

Student Support

Starting college can be a giant leap if you have just finished school or are returning to education after a few years. We will make this transition as easy as possible, providing all the support you need to settle in

Financial Support

We are committed to supporting students in order for them to overcome any financial barriers to learning.

Term Dates

Key term dates and opening times