The Ethnicity Maturity Matrix, designed with the backing of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Governance and Inclusive Leadership, assesses where organisations are within their ethnicity agenda journey and provides guidance on how to progress.

The College received a Level 4 Accreditation, which is the highest available, having completed 126 out of the 151 recommendations on the matrix. Categories in the assessment included Culture and Inclusion, Employee Life Cycle, External Impact and Leadership and Commitment.

Areas in which the College excelled included: customers and clients, insights, early careers, retention and recognition.

Its high score put the college in the Top 25 of all employers involved and will be included in a celebratory parliamentary early next year.

Group Chief People Officer at London South East Colleges, Janet Curtis-Broni, says:

"We are delighted to have made so much progress on our Ethnicity Agenda over the past year. To be named an exemplary employer and in the Top 25 is a great honour and I am grateful to my colleagues for helping to achieve this fantastic accreditation.

"A diverse workforce is a huge asset to an organisation. For us, it helps us meet the needs of our students and our wider community. We look forward to continuing on our journey of improvement and hope to achieve a Top 10 place next year!"

For more information about Investors in Ethnicity and its Maturity Matrix, visit: