Earthquakes of London is a 2010 play that focuses on the fortunes of three sisters trying to navigate their dysfunctional lives after the breakdown in relationship with their doom-mongering father - a prominent climate scientist who predicts environmental apocalypse.

The eldest sister is a UK government cabinet minister attempting to halt all airport expansion throughout the land, the middle sister is heavily pregnant and growing increasing pessimistic for the uncertain future of her unborn child, with the youngest of the siblings being a rebellious teenager and frequent nuisance to her career-minded eldest sister.

As the three women come to terms with their father’s fatalistic forecast they encounter one last opportunity to achieve a family reconciliation and the chance to mend the past.

The students worked in collaboration to create and perform at a very high standard prior to attaining their advanced qualification before progressing to either higher education or into employment. They researched the issues that the play covered, understand the subtext and contextualise contemporary theatre performance.

And there were some excellent performances too. In front of a stunning backdrop and stage design, with awe-inspiring costumes and props, what followed can only be described as a remarkable execution by the students in bringing the production to life.

Acting tutor Sam Punnet was very happy for her students and commented: “It’s not surprising that we have a significant number of students going on to some of the best universities in the land this summer. They really smashed this performance by putting everything they had into it.

“One of the very first things we tell students coming on to this course is that being successful in the entertainment industry requires incredibly hard work and self-discipline. It is very competitive and only those willing to go the extra mile can hope to succeed. Right now, I have every faith in our students to go on and fulfil their ambitions in the business. Not only that, our expectations of them won’t stop at the end of this term, it will extend for the remainder of their careers.” 

If you think you have what it takes to become a professional actor, set designer, dancer or make-up artist and build a successful career in the theatre or film and TV industries, we’d like to hear from you. We have a great range of courses to get you started. Come along to one of our Open Events

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