The annual South London Best Learner and Tutor Awards are presented on behalf of the Committee of South London Principals (COSLP) and hosted by Lord Tope.  

This year, the event was opened by Dr Sam Parrett, CEO and Group Principal of London South East Colleges and proceedings were led by?John Prior, CEO of Orchard Hill College.  

Citations were read out by each of the college's principals, outlining the dedication, commitment and achievements of every winner, all of whom had overcome some significant challenges. The students and tutors were presented with their awards by Lord Tope. 

Guests enjoyed lunch in the prestigious surroundings, with photos taking place on the terrace overlooking the Thames to mark this special occasion. 

Presenting the awards, Lord Tope said:  

"I am delighted to have hosted this event here at the House of Lords for over 20 years. The stories of determination, resilience and success we have heard today are truly moving and I am honoured to present the very deserving winners with their awards. 


"Further Education plays such a central role in improving people's lives, helping them to achieve their career ambitions and life goals. Well done to each and every one of the winners, I wish you all the very best in everything you do.  


"And thank you to all the teachers here today. Your dedication and commitment to your students' lives is so admirable and it is wonderful to recognise and celebrate this." 

Giving the vote of thanks, Group Principal and CEO of London South East Colleges, Dr Sam Parrett CBE congratulated all the student and staff winners. She said:? 

?"This is such a special annual event - recognising outstanding personal achievements, while bringing together our neighbouring colleges to collectively celebrate all that's wonderful about Further Education. 

"The impact of the pandemic is still very much being felt but as we have heard today, students are managing to overcome these challenges and continue to achieve in so many ways. This is thanks to both their determination and drive, together with the support and commitment from their tutors. 

"Hearing such inspiring stories makes me very proud to be part of the Further Education sector - thank you so much for everything you all do. Thank you also to Lord Tope for his continued support and huge congratulations to every award winner. 

London South East Colleges?had winners from each of its three main campuses - Bromley, Bexley and Greenwich. The following students and tutors were delighted to accept their awards:? 

Bromley student, Andre Palmer has consistently impressed everyone with the quality of his work and commitment to his built environment studies over the last two years. He has now secured a degree apprenticeship and has an exciting career ahead of him. 

Andre (18) said: "I was both surprised and humbled to receive this award. I have to give huge credit to my tutor Dan, as it reflects just what a great tutor he really is! I have always wanted to pursue a career in construction and am now well on my way to this thanks to Dan and the college's support." 

Bromley teacher,?Dan Bogle,?who has been at the college for 25 years, was celebrated for his passion and enthusiasm of the built environment - and his fantastic 'real world' teaching, ensuring every student is prepared for an exciting career. 

Bexley student, Ryan West, was praised for his diligence and willingness to always help others - while always excelling in his studies. 

Ryan (19) said:  "The two years I've spent at LSEC Bexley have been amazing. I was really shy when I first got to college and didn't want to talk, but my tutor Criege helped me with my communication skills and gave me confidence to succeed. I really wouldn't be here without him so thanks Criege! I'd advise any student thinking of doing an animation and gaming course to do it, just come with an open mind and take up opportunities when they are offered." 


Bexley teacher, Criege Pennant?(animation and gaming) was described by his colleagues as 'one of the best tutors we have ever had', with a talent for instilling a love of learning into all his students. 

Greenwich student, Paula Carolina De Avila Ribeiro received this award for the amazing contribution she has made both to the college and to the local community through volunteering. 

Paula said: "My college experience has been life changing and I'm so grateful to my tutor Jackie who has been amazing. She has guided me with careers advice and support and has enabled me to 'find myself'. I now know that helping others and positively impacting their lives is exactly what I want to do - and have secured a full-time position at a local charity, which supports the community. Thank you for everything Jackie!". 

Greenwich teacher, Jacqueline Brooks,?was praised for transforming the lives of many health and social care students through her dedication and exceptional teaching.