“I completed my foundation degree back in 2015 after studying it part-time,” says Jayne, “and I still believe it was one of the best things I ever did.

“Much of what I learned on the course has helped me broaden what I can offer to my clients and I now have that added biomedical science expertise to support what I know about the human body and how it functions, the many conditions that can cause suffering and how I can use my brand of stretch and strengthening style of exercise as a potential medicine.

“During my final year on the course I focussed on the role and benefits of Yoga in health and wellbeing, surveying over 200 clients to obtain data for analysis. Since leaving, this has enabled me to expand my client listing and I now teach classes in Reformer Pilates, meditation and breathwork to support stress reduction, cardiac health and rehabilitation.

“The course also expanded my mind tremendously and I have the confidence to delve into areas I was previously cautious of. I can advise and signpost clients to other treatments if the expertise I offer isn’t sufficient and am better placed to identify quite a number of different ailments in people that I couldn’t see before.

“There are many strands to this course and an abundance of different specialisms that can lead you in so many directions and career routes. There were also other skills that I acquired as part of the course too. I became computer literate (I certainly wasn’t before), I discovered how to train my mind to study more effectively and above all, I learnt how to undertake research, investigation and experimentation.

“Needless to say, the tutors were brilliant and made the subject so absorbing. I have kept up my learning beyond graduating and I have a deep fascination with astronomy and everything cosmos. During the Covid pandemic I managed to move my classes online and this has been an unexpected success. The feedback I have received is very encouraging and I now believe this mode of teaching and attendance is the way forward.

“For anybody teetering with the idea of returning to education and perhaps trying to study for a degree, I would say ‘just do it’ - make it happen and immerse yourself. London South East Colleges’ University Centre is the ideal place to start.”

If you think you have what it takes to be successful in the world of biomedical and pharmaceutical science, or have been thinking of studying at degree level, we’d like to hear from you. We have a great range of degree and professional level courses for you to choose from. Join us for one of our Virtual Open Events in June.

Related link: Higher Education 

Related link: Access to Higher Education 

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