For the past four months, Josh has been an electrical apprentice for Gratte Brothers Group; one of the UK’s leading independent building services companies.

The contest will involve being handed a set of drawings and instructions to set up and install three complex electrical circuits, test them and ensure all electrical regulations and health and safety requirements have been met in the quickest time. He will compete against many other electrical apprentices from around London and the south east.

Launched in 2010, the contest gives students the chance to be recognised for their hard work and skills. It’s a great opportunity for tutors, employers, industry leaders and manufacturers to get involved and support the next generation of electricians.

Josh says: “I’m delighted to have been chosen to compete and I will give it everything I have. At present, I am aiming to simply finish in the top four or five and if I get further than that, then great! I’m going to go there and enjoy myself and do my best to ensure I get everything correct without making any mistakes.

“I’m really enjoying my apprenticeship and all the benefits it is bringing me. The College gives me lots of practical and theory training and my employer gives me the opportunity to put what I’ve learnt into practice. At the moment, I’m working on a huge development over at Canary Wharf where I am putting in lots of steel conduit and trunking amongst other things.”

Tutor and curriculum team leader for electrical and plumbing, Ben Sheridan is optimistic that Josh can go the whole way in the competition. He says: “Josh has shown great dedication and enthusiasm, as well as continual high levels of work since he’s been with us. His attendance and time-keeping is perfect and he shows great potential. Just by representing the College in the competition will do us all proud.”

Related link: Gratte Brothers

Related link: SPARKS - The only magazine for electrical engineering students

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Related link: Apprenticeships and Traineeships