He is currently putting the finishing touches to his Creative Media Production BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma course before heading to the beautiful spa town for three years of intensive study in one of the UK’s top film and media institutions.

“I have ambitions to become either a film director and producer or a scriptwriter or editor one day,” says George, “I go with an open mind as to what I may specialise in as the course progresses. One thing is for sure, I would love to be part of a team that creates a real classic blockbuster of a film or TV series.

“I have always been a big fan of comedy dramas that contain lots of action and suspense and this is the genre that I will pursue. I can’t think of a more exciting career to have.

“My course at London South East Colleges has given me a taste for the big time and I’ve learnt how to do things here that I never thought I would. TV and video editing, lighting, special effects, animation, sound mixing, script and screenwriting and lots more too. I’m so glad I chose this course.”

George will be going on to learn more about the film and TV industries as well as furthering his knowledge of digital media, filmmaking and post production. Last year, he and his fellow media students attended Disneyland Paris to take part in a series of seminars and workshops designed to promote the industry and give an insight into the types of careers that it can generate.

He continues: “I tend to walk around everywhere thinking scripts and art direction these days. I’ve been so inspired here. My tutors are excellent and the other students have been great to work alongside. In particularly, our work on the College TV channel LSECTV kept our attention and interest throughout the course.

“To my tutors, Yon and Keith, thank you very much for a brilliant and highly productive two years. I just hope the next three will be as good.”

If you think you have what it takes to become a media professional or build a successful career in the creative industries, we’d like to hear from you. We have a great range of courses to get you started. Come along to one of our open events during June and July. Click here to learn more.

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