The overarching programme, being launched today, is aimed at supporting Londoners to access a range of new jobs and opportunities across the region. It focuses on priority growth sectors including creative, digital, green, health and hospitality.

The LLGDMA will focus specifically on digital and green skills, which are vital for London to reach its net zero targets. The College will collaborate with nine other FE providers, ten Local Authorities and 33 employers – helping to develop a responsive skills plan, create events and further build strategic networks.

This initiative will expand on the Mayor’s Construction Academy model, which London South East Colleges has been a leading partner of since 2019. The LLGDMA will complement the existing MCA hubs, ensuring skills needs are met as the need for green and digital technologies continues to grow.

The objectives of the Academy include:

  • Reduce barriers to learning and employment unlocking work experience, traineeships, apprenticeships and jobs
  • Retrain and upskill current industry experts for transition into new jobs as the Green and Digital sector develops
  • Ensure that London’s industries access the skilled workforce needed to decarbonise and innovate through digital technology
  • Improve recruitment and engagement across our local communities especially among the under-represented groups
  • Upskill college staff

Covering an area of over 2.6 million residents, the programme aims to support the creation of over 60,000 new jobs in London by 2030.

In addition to the Academies Programme, the London Mayor is launching a marketing campaign today, to raise awareness of London’s jobs and skills. A skills road map for the Capital is also being published – supporting Londoners to access employment opportunities.

Group Principal and CEO of London & South East Education Group, Dr Sam Parrett CBE, says:

“We are delighted to be leading such an important element of the Mayor’s Academies Programme.

“Digital and Green skills are absolutely fundamental to a successful economy and we are committed to supporting people across the region to take up jobs in these exciting areas.

“There are so many opportunities for Londoners and by collaborating with our wider sector and with industry, we can help maximise these.

“Our Education Group focuses on generating social value throughout our communities. Ensuring people have the opportunity to upskill and re-skill in these emerging industries is key to social mobility and the Mayor’s Academies Programme will fully support this.”

Director of the Local London sub-regional partnership, Sarah Murray, says:

“The Green and Digital Sector Skills Academy is great news for our sub-region. It will be a key component in preparing our future workforce – both young people coming into the workforce for the first time, and existing employees that need to up-skill. We applaud the partnership of FE colleges which is testament to the collaborative way in which our colleges work together.

“The development of the digital sector and emergence of the green sector and green economy provide a unique opportunity for our economy to grow and prosper. Partnership working between employers, the sub-regional partnership of local authorities and education and training providers is key to leading that growth for our residents and businesses, and we look forward to working with the sector academy to make that happen"



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