Each year, the ROH hold an annual set design challenge that is rolled-out nationally for students specialising in theatre make-up, costume or set design and marketing to research a particular production and design materials, costumes and sets. This year, the focus is on their latest production Salome

Each student is asked to work through six stages of design and model-making using the director’s brief and build a portfolio to document their initial ideas, notes, research methods, processes and a final set model box.

The students presented their designs to a panel of judges from the College’s senior management team and Pip Beattie, 19, was chosen to represent the College in the ROH national finals taking place at the end of January.

Pip said: "I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience, mainly because of the chance to explore set design for such a large theatrical performance. I'm very proud to have been shortlisted to take part in the finals."

The final winner will be asked to exhibit their work as part of the ROH’s Passion, Power and Politics exhibition at the V&A Museum. They will also be invited to attend a special matinee performance of Salome at the ROH during the spring half-term holiday. This will include a backstage tour and a chance to spend time with industry specialists in their costume and set design department.

If you think you have what it takes to become a professional actor, dancer, set designer or make-up artist and build a successful career in the theatre or film and TV industries, we’d like to hear from you. We have a great range of courses to get you started. Come along to one of our Open Events.