Following the lockdown in March, all courses were transferred online and students were supported remotely by their tutors. In line with Government guidelines, small numbers of students returned to campus in June and the college is now preparing for a full return in September.  

To ensure the safety of staff and students, new measures have been introduced at every college campus - from hand sanitising stations to reduced group sizes.  The new Covid-safe environment focuses on limiting the number of students on site at one time, including:  

  • Reduced group sizes in college classrooms and workshops  
  • Staggered start and finish times as well as lunch and breaks  
  • Adjusted methods of delivery, including high-quality blended learning (online and face to face)  
  • Alternation of attendance in college buildings to reduce the number of students in at any one time 
  • Close monitoring of participation for all students being taught online to ensure full attendance and participation 

In addition, the College has set aside bursary grants and has a digital data scheme. This is to support students with devices and data if needed, so that everyone can benefit from the progressive blended learning approach –  ensuring no student is left behind as a result of digital poverty. 

Deputy CEO and College Principal, David Lambert says: “Our priority is getting students and teachers back into the classroom safely while ensuring high quality and consistent teaching and learning throughout the year. We have worked tirelessly over the summer to make the necessary adaptations to our campuses and plan for a fully Covid-safe return.   

“It is understandable that some people may feel nervous about physically returning to the classroom. However, I am keen to reassure our new and returning students that we are doing everything possible to ensure a safe, consistent and enjoyable learning experience from September including supporting those students who may not have the technology needed.  

“We will of course be keeping all our procedures under review and in line with Government guidance - but our priority is continuing to support our communities at a time when education and developing new skills has never been so important.”

London South East Colleges has campuses across Bromley, Bexley and Greenwich, offering a wide range of courses and qualifications to suit people of all ages, interests and abilities - from entry to degree-level. Students can enrol online NOW and get advice about the course that best suits them.